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Sunday, December 10, 2006

Turning Clicks Into Leads Through Search Engine Optimization: The New E-Book by Dianna Huff

The new e-book, "Turning Clicks Into Leads Through Search Engine Optimization," by Dianna Huff, fills a major void in the literature on this vital subject. Dianna characteristically over delivers without overwhelming the reader. In addition to learning what it takes to rank respectably on Google, you get clear guidance on the site design issues and copywriting necessary to convert your visitors into sales and leads.

If you're not technical but need to get up to speed, you've found your resource. I have enough technical experience to be dangerous and did some initial forays into SEO/SEM for my own site last summer. I got something out of it but felt like I was chasing tactics without enough of a strategic framework to tie it all together.

Turning Clicks Into Leads Through Search Engine Optimization E-Book CoverNow, thanks to this comprehensive primer, it's much easier to:

  • Formulate a strategy
  • Decide what to do myself
  • Farm out the rest to others


Dianna resolves those irksome micro issues like singular vs. plural keywords, the sequence of words in a phrase, where in the page to place these things, the value of meta tags, and anything else about our own sites we can change for the better immediately.

Then, there are the things we can do to improve our ranking which involve reaching out to others like writing articles for syndication, obtaining inbound links from other relevant and credible sites, and so much more. Dianna handles this with aplomb. Here, something about her writing style and approach reminds me of another writer I admire, Marcia Yudkin.

In short, if you're looking for something easy to read with plenty of examples and just enough theory to put things in context, purchase this book. Are you serious about:

  • Catapulting your site higher in the rankings,
  • Attracting qualified leads, and
  • Writing copy to increase the follow through on your call to action?
I thought so. Then, don't walk, RUN. Get Dianna Huff's e-book, " Turning Clicks Into Leads," today.

To your marketing success,

Eric Rosen
Strategic Marketing Writer
eric.rosen AT
Clear Crisp Communications
Easier to Read Means More Sales and Leads

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